How to Navigate the High School Years

Parents high school does not have to be a difficult time for your child. Let’s shift our mindset about how to help our teens handle high school with confidence!  Click here for this week’s episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue and easy tips to thri…

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What to Expect in High School - Episode 048

What is the purpose of the high school years? Is your teenager preparing for college? Is your teen prepping for a career? What expectations should parents have of their child’s high school experience?

Before we start with what high school should be for your kiddos, let’s start with you- you the parent or educator. What do you remember about high school? My experience was that every year was a grooming for college acceptance, and for a student who struggles in school, that left me feeling out of place. So what is the point of high school?

While the 4-year-long process of high school shouldn’t be only Netflix binges and prom nights, where is the balance between college and career readiness and living in the moment?

How do we help teenagers transition to high school in a healthier and wholesome manner? This episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue will assist you with helping your child through high school and not allow it to be a 4-year blur!

Preparing your child for the High School Years

Build your Child’s Independence But Don’t Let them Stress

The training wheels should be off by the end of 8th grade, but they still need your support! As the parent, you are the expert on whether your kiddo has been mastering skills like time management, studying and planning. If not, we need to kick it up in high school. Chances are your teenager feels the pressure of responsbility in high school. Your kid will be scared, and not just about fitting in socially, but also about “What happens if we fail?”

Freshman year brings the fear that each day, including the first couple of days, will impact the entire course of life! So they stress out and get anxious because they think they can’t afford to screw up even the slightest.

But guess what, your child is a high school student - not a super human! That means high school can be the chance to learn and grow.

Capability, Courage, Connection and Count- The Crucial C’s

How can parents help teenagers with anxiety and perfectionism?

We need to make them see their capabilities! Get them involved in a community. From this, they will get courage and have more faith in themselves without being as anxious. High school can be a fresh start for them if they want.

In fact, talking to people like teachers and school counselors always helps. They need people they can trust. Their connections also give them strength, but the most important connection should always be their home. You certainly want them to know that talking to you is always a safe place, and they can always discuss what they want and how they feel freely. Listen to the full episode for more tips on how to help your teenager feel connected at school or listen to the episode on Building the Crucial C’s with guest, Orlando play therapist Jennifer Wisser-Stokes

‘Nuff said.   Let your kiddo use the high school years to practice and grow the skills needed for adulthood.   We don’t need parents escorting their children to college. We need to give them the balance of support and independence to make choices wh…

How to find the Balance between Helicopter Parent and Letting Go

There is a certain balance that you need to maintain between letting go and offering support. There are a lot of things that you can offer to teach your kids - things that they don’t know yet and won’t be learning on their own. Some lessons must be taught so that they can practice and develop those skills and work on them. Colleges are starting to see an influx of parents on campus because the parents are not letting go. Do not let this be you! Your child can use the high school years to develop skills through trial and error but know you are there as a safety net.

If your teenager is complaining about nagging,then they must step up to the plate or face the consequence. That’s often where academic coaching enters the picture. Your child can have the safety of trying and failure without the fear of grounding. They can judge their level of effort and admit they are aware of the consequences if they have a misstep. There is no emotional back and forth that occurs when you have two heated participants. Your child can admit their mistake, take ownership, and make the change. In other words, they are adulting. IfRemember to form a system that works for the both of you.


Ready for your kiddo to have an organized school year? Click to get on the waitlist!

In Closing

High school is a crucial step towards adulthood. Parents, like us, always end up on “fix” mode and forget to enter “live” mode. But you need to balance that out as well so that your kid is happy around a happy you!

Finally, high school is emotionally and mentally taxing, so always be there for your kid!

Listen to the full episode of School Counselor Gone Rogue for additional tips and insight. You can subscribe to the show on iTunes, Apple Podcast, Stitcher, Googleplay, or Iheartradio or visit each week for the full episode (though let’s be honest, subscribing is so much easier!)

You can also sign up for the wait list for The Organized School Year at It’s an intensive workshop to help your child create and implement an organization system that meets their needs.

Follow me on Instagram: @team_pasch, follow me on Facebook, subscribe to the show, leave a review.


  • Moving from middle school to high school

  • How to give teenagers independence

  • Why teens are leaving high school unprepared for adulthood

Looking for tips for high school? Parents, we have totally got this! Click here for strategies and ideas from a trained school counselor turned academic coach. Let’s rock high school!  Click here for this week’s episode of School Counselor Gone Rogu…


Marni Pasch| Host of School Counselor Gone Rogue| Academic Coach | Team Pasch Academic Coaching

I work with students in grades 6th and higher, who struggle with academic confidence and motivation. I help them survive school with less stress by helping them create concrete goals, tackle procrastination and learn creative study techniques. I empower students to take charge of their education and reach their goals. I do this through individual or group coaching so students achieve success in life, school, career readiness and their social endeavors. I provided in person academic coaching in Orlando, FL, but work with students across the country through Zoom!