







Marni Pasch - marni5.JPG

As one school administrator said:

“Marni is Pasch-ionate about her students.”

It’s cheesy but true. 

Why am I so passionate about my students?

I know how painful it can be to feel like a failure at school. I struggled with for most of my school life. I even had a brush or three with summer school.

I thought I wasn’t smart. It was not a great feeling. I almost let my school experience define me.

But then something changed…

In college, I realized I needed systems that worked for me. I found tricks to beat procrastination and time management systems. School became less stressful; I even started turning in work before the deadline! For the first time, I felt excited to learn.

I never thought I would be able to say that; I only wish I had learned that sooner.

But… We can’t live on boo-hoo’s.

I turned passion into:

 A masters degree in counselor education

Extensive coursework in gifted education

An associate coaching credential from ICF

Certification in coaching teens and college students with ADHD


 Certification in the Anti-Boring Approach to Studying.

Phew, that's a mouthful.  

Let's be honest, no shiny title can replace the reason I became an academic coach.

I want to help struggling students rock school on their terms.




When I sat at my desk as a school counselor, I wasn’t interested in:

the transcript, discipline record or GPA

I wanted to know the person that sat in front of me. 

I am super curious about people because I love knowing what makes people awesome.

You can grab your spoon and gag- but it's true.

Curiosity led me from the school setting to private practice. 


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Now I can be curious about my students, learn their goals and help them translate it into success. 

I was a dreamer growing up, and it was hard to see where school fit into the picture. 

 I wanted to jump to the finish line and skip the training, stretching, and strategy. I wanted to run. Which, if we stick to the running analogy (kinda weird because I hate running), led to a lot of injuries along the way.

Those experiences led me to where I am now. Which is helping frustrated students find purpose in their school experience.





There’s not much to say about Candy Corn- you either love it or you don’t.

But whatever you do…DO NOT serve anything that isn’t Brach’s. That’s not right. 



When I am not fueled by passion, curiosity or candy corn...

I am chill-axing with my amazing husband (a history teacher) and two lovable daughters.
We do things loud and proud in our house. This means lots of bad jokes, laughter, and love.

We also partake in the quieter activities in life like theater (how posh).



Ready to join team pasch?


Being on Team Pasch Means:


Respect respect

Whether you are 13 or 55, you deserve respect. Yet we can’t assume that people understand our definition of respect. We need to give people the chance to learn our boundaries and take the time to learn their boundaries. 

*note* I was going to play off respect respect by using the Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo example, but then I started to dissect it, got confused and decided we would all be better off without it.


Be perfectly imperfect

Perfection has no room here because I am perfectly imperfect. Mistakes happen. It’s what we do with those mistakes that make the difference.


Celebrate your strengths

Everyone is awesome at something. What are you proud of?  Don’t let something else define what you think is great. What makes you puff out your chest and crow?


This is a journey of progress, not perfection

I am not a fixer. You do not want me near a glue gun or duct tape.  I guide. Together we work on a system that fits your kiddo’s unique needs.  And guess what? It will never be perfect- but that does not mean there won't be a ton of progress and celebration.


Weirdness is OK

My students know I am weird. Not weird in a bad way, but weird in one of those eccentric characters on Ally McBeal or the Good Wife type way. FYI, my students have no idea what I am talking about when I say that, but parents do.