How to Recognize Burnout in Teens

How School can lead to academic burnout

Years of working with students as an academic coach has allowed me to observe burnout at different stages of life. Schoolwork, family, friends, extracurricular activities, and other relationships can lead to burnout in teenagers. 

The fatal mistake we make is assuming burnout only occurs once a student reaches a specific academic level (for example straight A’s). Burnout can occur at any time in a child’s academic career under any circumstance. The key is to notice the signs of burnout in your child and address them before it leads to them abandoning their academic progress. 

That is where academic coaching is beneficial. We can address those concerns as they appear, rewrite the script, and create a new plan. 

So how do you recognize burnout in teens? How do you know your child is stressed and on the verge of a struggle or retreat from anything school related?

 Let’s look at these signs:

Stress at school can lead to burnout for teens, but how do we recognize stress in our children? Learn 12 signs of burnout in your child and how it might impact their grades at school.#studyskills #parentingteens #parentingtweensMarni Pasch Team Pasc…


Causes of Burnout in Teenagers

Why is burnout in teenagers so prevalent among middle school and high school students? The number one reason – negative self-talk! Years of negative self-talk about their inability to succeed at school leads to self-doubt which ultimately reflects their disbelief in themselves.

With the clear admission that they can’t find success in their academics, these teenagers quickly accept any sign that they’ll struggle to succeed. Even when we make progress during academic coaching, they quickly take a new challenge as evidence that they are doomed to struggle.

12 Common Signs of Stress in Teenagers

Teenage burnout is best addressed in its early stages. How do you know if your child is at risk of burnout or experiencing some significant amount of stress? Look out for the following signs in a burned-out teenager:

1.    Poor Eating Habits

You can tell that your child is stressed if they begin to overeat or undereat. You might need to look more closely to understand what is really at stake.  Another sign might be retreating to their room to eat meals to avoid conversations about school.

2.    Unhealthy Sleep Patterns

Difficulty sleeping, sleeping at odd hours, and not getting good quality sleep are also signs of burnout in teenagers. Are you seeing avoidance of school work or conversations through the need to sleep?

3.    Emotional Instability (including mood swings)

Does your teen experience emotional lows and highs without any consistency? There's probably something there.

4.    Anxiety

Teens that are stressed and overwhelmed tend to feel a lot of anxiety and pressure to be themselves or to deliver at school.

5.    Depression

With anxiety and stress comes depression – that feeling of self-loathing and the desire to end it all. Look for traces of self-disgust and withdrawal from life including social outings.

6.    Nervousness

Being unable to calmly get things done is also a sign of burnout in teenagers. Whether your teen is hyper or unmotivated, pay attention to this sign. Nervousness might appear if they are trying to avoid a straight answer about their school work.

7.    Procrastination

Is your child less interested in doing things at the right time? Stress might just be getting the best of him at the moment.

8.    Bodily Pain and Illnesses

Pain around the neck, shoulder, and other body parts could also signal burnout.

9.    Dangerous Behavior

Stressed-out teens sometimes might engage in risky behavior or seek to escape their stress through self-medication. 

10. Struggle at School

If your child is struggling to succeed at school, they might be battling burnout. They might be overwhelmed at what success looks like or whether they can maintain that level of work. 

11. Negative Self-Talk

Self-doubt produces negative statements which could just be your child’s way of telling you that they’ve had enough. 

12. Concentration Problems

In Closing

To the struggling teen, it appears that they will never catch their breath as they try to improve their habits. Remarkably, this is where academic coaching comes in handy.

We can identify the signs of burnout as they appear, rewrite the script, and create a new plan to help the teen. Is your child struggling with burnout? Get in touch now!  

Want to listen to my podcast School Counselor Gone Rogue? Click play below!


Marni Pasch | Academic Coach | Host of the Podcast School Counselor Gone Rogue | Team Pasch Academic Coaching

As a trained school counselor turned academic coach, I work with students in grades 6th and higher, who struggle with academic confidence and motivation. Together we create concrete goals, tackle procrastination and learn creative study techniques. My mission is to empower teenagers to thrive in school on their terms. Want to work together? Contact me for individual or group coaching so teens can achieve success in life, school, career, and their social endeavors. I provided in person academic coaching in Orlando, FL, but work with students across the country through Zoom!