How to Stop Writers Block in 6 Steps

Writer’s block can stall even the best writers. If your teen struggles with writing, writer’s block can become an every day nuisance.Here are 6 steps to write an essay even when the words won’t come!#writinghack #essaytips #writinghelpMarni Pasch Te…

Writer’s block affects every journalist, reporter, student or content developer. Sometimes, the words never come. Inspiration seems impossible, and you could find it really difficult to string your ideas into words.

Now, some people claim that writer’s block is a myth. Others believe it is an alibi for perfectionism or procrastination. Here’s the reality: we all have those times when words fail us.

Do you recall sitting in front of your laptop, being ready to get that essay done, and realizing that your fingers were stuck? Yes! That’s one-way writer’s block exhibits itself.

In this post, I’m going to share six ideas which will help you overcome this “being stuck” situation and get in control of your writing. Steps to Getting Rid of Writer’s Block

When you can’t find the words to express your thoughts, or it seems impossible to get the right sentence out, follow this routine:

Break Free of Writer’s Block

Writer’s block can stall even the best writers. When a high school, middle school or college student is forced to write an essay, writer’s block can turn into procrastination.Here are 6 steps to write an essay even when the words won’t come!#writing…


Take a Rest to Get Creativity Flowing

If you’re afraid of making mistakes or under some form of pressure, you may find it difficult to write. So get out of your head! Take a walk.  Spend time with friends and family. Personally, I stare at the computer screen and give myself a big shake. Literally. I say to myself, "I am psyching myself out. Let's shake it out. Ahhh blub blub blub blub," and I make a loud noise and shake. It sounds idiotic, but it works for me. The main reason it works is that I am acknowledging the current situation is my own cause. Taking a break, shaking yourself or throwing your computer across the room (please don't do that), reminds you that the feelings you are having are only temporary and in your control.

The bottom line – when you don’t feel like writing, take some hours off to relax. This will allow you to get in tune with yourself and find your muse again.



Read Posts, Articles and Blogs on your Topics

Reading essays, articles, and books by other authors has a way of creating mental pictures in your mind. This, ultimately, gives you some ideas about your topic.

In some cases, you could develop a new perspective on the assignment you’re to write about.

Now, this does not mean you copy, borrow or steal anyone's work. However, if your brain is taking you on the fast track to writing in circles - reading articles on the topic might bring you some clarity. That is all you need to gain confidence in getting back to work.

Write using a Pen and Paper

In an age where technology seems to be both a blessing and a curse, using a laptop may prevent you from getting out of writer’s block.

I suggest that you get a pen and a piece of paper. Using actual writing tools gives your mind the impression that you’re going to be creative and prepared for a craft.

In the long run, you will find it a lot easier to bring out your thoughts and scribble them out as you like. This, however, doesn’t imply that using a PC will make it difficult for you to write. Find out what works for you.  

If you are thinking "but then I have to retype it later" don't do it! Use the pen and paper to scribble a few sentences or doodle your thoughts into a cohesive form. Using pen and paper does not mean you have to write your entire essay in this format. Just shake up your brain with a little bit of change!

Let your Writing Flow

Sometimes, we get so worked up with the topic or the first sentence or the first paragraph that we don’t look forward to actually writing.

Rather than worry about perfection,  allow your thoughts to come out unhindered. Just start with the first word and the other words will find their way to the page.

In truth, there’s something magical about writing that many writers have discovered. You can be inspired anywhere as long as you let the feelings come. If you are worried about the words sounds just right, you will trip before you get started!

So, focus on being less serious about the writing, and you’ll find yourself writing with ease.   

I am going to tell you a secret. I actually like mind maps. I HATED MIND MAPS in school. Why? Probably because an adult was telling me to do it. However, at some point, I stopped letting my stubbornness get in the way, and I made it work for my writing. When you are stuck- make sure you are clear on what you are writing. Put the key words from the prompt in the center of the paper and let your thoughts flow! I bet you will slowly start to find yourself less confused and more confident in your writing.

Ditch Perfectionism in Writing

Being a perfect writer is excellent in theory,  but in reality, no one is perfect. When you’re experiencing writer’s block, it’s safer to avoid editing as you write.

Instead, let the thoughts flow out naturally and mix the “sense” with the “nonsense.” Don’t bother about the misspellings or the red lines at the bottom of your words.

When you’re all done with the copy, place it on to help you assess the effectiveness of your sentences and improve the readability (note- this is a FREE service that totally rocks. I do get a small bonus when you sign up for a free account-but it is worth it).

The Bottom Line:

Some people write because they have to, not because they enjoy it. If you are in school, chances are you have to write not only papers in general but also on topics you hate. You might even have to write a paper, on a topic you hate, for a TEACHER you hate! How is that for a writing challenging?

I’ve shared six practical steps you can follow to get out of writer’s block. Whenever you feel the block, get into this routine and watch the amazing results that’ll follow.

Do you have other ideas that work for you? Feel free to share them with me. Below you can sign up for the Guide to Essay Domination. These easy steps will help you focus your essay with less stress and save you time. Notice, I didn’t promise you would love to write- but we can make it less painful!

All the best,

Marni Pasch

Team Pasch Academic Coaching

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